11 Easy Ways To Be Fabulously Green in Your Home

by | Nov 14, 2013 | Green, Health, Lifestyle

Going green in your home not only helps to preserve the environment, but also helps reduce toxins in your home as well as save you money!  Here are 11 Easy Ways To Be Fabulously Green in Your Home to keep your home cleaner and healthier!

GoingGreen1. Open the windows

Let in some fresh air and save on electricity.

2. Recycle

So much of our everyday trash can be recycled and re-used. Newspapers, cardboard boxes, glass jars, cans, and plastic containers can all be recycled!

3. Clean with vinegar

It’s non toxic, doesn’t pollute the air or our lungs, and it’s cheap!

4. Add plants

Plants remove toxins from the air and give off oxygen. Spoil yourself with a bouquet, or better yet pick up some plants to keep by a window that you can watch grow. I have orchids in my kitchen.

5. Use reusable grocery bags

Cut back on wasteful use of paper and plastic and bring your own cloth reusable bags with you.

6. Clean up with cloth dish towels

Think about every time a crumb spills or our hands get wet. Do we really need to use a paper towel Every Single Time?? Why not save even a little bit by using a cloth dish towel instead. And if you do use a paper towel, try using it a few times before you throw it away.

7. Ditch the plastic containers

Plastic food storage containers, including water bottles and baby bottles are loaded with toxins including BPA and PVC which are linked to cancer, obesity, and asthma. Trade them in for glass instead.

8. Turn off the lights

When ambiance isn’t your priority, try and turn off the extra lights.  This includes outside lights as well. If it’s in the middle of the day, try and use as much natural light as possible.

9. Have your coffee at home

Buy organic + fair trade coffee that promotes sustainable farming practices. When you do go out for coffee, cut down on container waste by not using the disposable cups from coffee shops. Bring your own mug or thermos instead.

10. Install a water filter

This will be healthier then most bottled water and will cut down on plastic container waste.

11. No Shoes Inside

The bottoms of our shoes are full of harmful toxins, lead, and pesticides, along with who-knows-what else. By taking your shoes off at the door, you’re keeping your floors and air much cleaner and saving yourself the extra time you would be spending on sweeping/vacuuming.


Give some of these a try! When it comes to saving money – and the environment – every little bit helps!

Do you have any green tips to add to the list?


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