Pearlesque April Box featuring Delia Organics

by | Apr 12, 2017 | Beauty, Product Review

I’m officially 6 months postpartum, and I’d be lying if I said it’s been a breeze!   Sleepless nights, dehydration, and a chaotic schedule have all definitely taken a toll on me, especially my skin!  The one thing I can rely on to re-enliven me is my monthly Pearlesque Box, filled with healthy AND healing products. Giving ourselves the time and permission to be pampered is so important! This month the box features Vancouver-based Delia Organics and includes the perfect skin balancing trio of products:



Bursting with scents of rosemary, this spray is refreshing and toning.  I’ve been using it throughout the day to “freshen” (aka wake) me up!  My son Roman also loves getting sprayed by this as well. Made with organic Rosemary and distilled water, it’s as pure as you can get!



This oil is filled with powerful anti-aging and healing properties, leaving your skin feeling pampered. After many sleepless nights up and down with the kids, I definitely need this!




I’m pretty obsessed with eye creams these days.  Especially those that immediately minimize wrinkles, like this one!  It’s loaded with aloe, vitamin C and E, avocado oil, and grapeseed oil.  I love the cooling feeling this gives during the day. It’s truly refreshing!



Each box is only $39, and use the code BRIDJET15 to save 15% off your first order!

Remember, we deserve to treat and spoil ourselves! So go ahead and enjoy!

READ MORE: Pearlesque Box September Featuring Hana Organic Skincare