How To Get Ready For A New School Year

by | Aug 12, 2019 | Family

Summer arrives, and we all let loose and fall out of routine. A break from strict schedules and school life is so needed. The kids mostly are playing outside and doing arts and crafts and exploring. As they should! But it’s not exactly conducive to the school-year lifestyle. It seems, come August, everyone is in full summer mode. So, in preparation for the upcoming school year, Bart and I are taking these steps for how to get ready for a new school year so our kids are success all year.

1) Get back into a routine.

Whereas my youngest Isabella has maintained a good routine throughout summer, not even 3 so she’s still napping and going to bed relatively early, Roman has been all over the board. He’s been napping off and on, his bedtime is flexible, and he hasn’t been practicing any of his learning skills (numbers, letters, and writing). But now that it’s August, we’re tightening up to amp up for school. We’re on a stricter routine. We’re cutting out the extra bedtime activities, like going downstairs for a drink and in my room for extra snuggles. When our kids are fully rested, they are their optimal capabilities.

2) Hire a tutor to help your kids kick start the learning process. 

During summer months, kids seem to lose the focus they acquired during the previous school year. Working with a tutor should help reprogram their minds and bodies to stay focused while learning as well as freshen up on everything they know but might have forgotten. Sitting with someone 1-on-1 brings so much to the table! If you don’t want to invest the money into a tutor, prioritize spending time, away from all distractions, with your children, practicing whatever skillset is appropriate for their ages. For Roman, it’s working on basic numbers, letters, sounds, and writing. 

Fun Children Learning Activities

3) Provide your children with learning tools that are fun and engaging.

This is another fun way to get your kids to practice their skills, writing and drawing in a book all their own! We got Roman a cute Toy Story notebook (like this one!) from the dollar store, and he’s so excited about it! He can write down his name, draw pictures, and so much more. It gives him a sense of ownership over his own workbook.

4) Attend your school’s back-to-school gathering (if they have one).

A back-to-school event is a fun way to celebrate the upcoming school year. Some schools do it, some don’t. At Sacred Heart, the end-of-summer carnival allows all the kids to reunite and remember who their teachers are.

5) Go for your kids’ annual wellness checkups.

Before we send our kids back to school, it’s always smart for them to get annual wellness checkups. Are they growing well? Are their blood sugar levels healthy? Are they at healthy weights? Are their teeth in good shape? The more our kids’ bodies are healthy, the better they can perform!

Get Yourself Organized

6) Get yourself organized!

This may be the most important part of preparing for the upcoming school year. It’s not only about what our kids are doing to prepare; it’s also what us parents do. And preparation is the key to success. When I plan properly, I stay on top of the crazy schedules. This year, I’m getting a calendar to stay organized. I’m going to notate all the major events and reminders, like which days are for which uniforms and which days are half days. This will help my kids succeed in the long run. Maybe you prefer a physical calendar book or maybe Google calendar works for you. Whatever it is, find a way to stay organized. These days, schools have high expectations of parents. We all gotta step up our game.


What else should be on this list of how to get ready for a new school year? Are your kids excited? Nervous? Comment below!


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