Goal Setting for 2020

by | Dec 5, 2019 | Change, Lifestyle, Women Empowerment

It’s almost 2020! When did that happen!?!?! I’m grateful for the chance to start fresh and also continue cultivating what I’ve been doing for the past year and decade. I’m ready to take my life to the next level. Are you? (I wanted to share about my goal setting for 2020.)

At the start of 2019, I sat at my dining room table and made a vision board. I tacked photos that inspired me onto a board. Of style and fashion, of a woman on a panel during a discussion, of strong couples, of moms with their kids, of a man meditating, of a woman standing on a podium speaking. I look back on this and can’t get over just how much these photos represent the tone of my life this past year. It’s incredibly powerful to write down our goals and have a true vision, mindfully manifesting the life that we want. This is exactly what I want to do for 2020!

1) In 2020, I will continue to push Countdown To Baby in hopes I make an even greater impact with women–both in my community and beyond. It’s not about making a lot of money but changing the conversation and having more conscious women out there who are taking control of their lives and having more self love. That’s the mission of CTB.

2) I have an intention this coming year to do something in other parts of the world, for my passions to take me worldwide. Maybe that’s through Countdown To Baby. Maybe it’s through another avenue.

3) I also have been thinking about launching a podcast to go deeper into many of these conversations that the Countdown To Baby course has ignited.

4) Spending quality time with my family is always a goal! There’s nothing that brings me greater joy than seeing my kids and husband happy and smiling.

5) I also want to continue to find balance between motherhood and working. Though I don’t have a typical9-5 PMjob, I stay busy with events and my blog. Both fuel my passion and happiness.

6) Part of working is also my intention to make more money. I think it’s important, though money should never be the primary driver in the reason we do things, to be financially rewarded for our hard work. Making money doing what we love allows us to spend more time doing what we love. It also allows us to feel empowered and contribute to our family financially. I’m putting this out into the universe!

7) And of course, what goes without saying, since it’s linked to all my goals above, continue to evolve in my community.

My vision board for 2019 says:

When we come together, we aren’t just stronger. We’re able to share our compassion, our time, our wisdom, our love.

I couldn’t say it better myself! Let’s do this, 2020!

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