Our Gift to Roman

by | Jun 15, 2015 | Family, Lifestyle

Truth is, some days I still can’t believe I’m a mother!  I look at my beautiful baby boy who lights up when I walk into his room every morning and sometimes it takes everything I have just to hold back the burst of happy tears!

How did I get so lucky?

This past year has flown by quicker than I could have ever imagined.  Everyone says it goes by so fast and you don’t even realize it yourself. Then, one day, you wake up and suddenly you had your baby A YEAR AGO!!!

I can’t begin to list all the massive changes I have experienced over the past 12 months.  The infinite ways I have evolved, all the adventures we have had as a family, the laughs, the cries. No matter how many iPhone videos and pictures we have, I still think my heart will forever long to relive our first year over and over!  It was truly the best year of my life!

So to honor Roman’s first birthday, we decided to make a little movie for him!  A sorta documentary type movie that gives him a glimpse into his first year of life and let’s him see us as a young family.

I’ve only watched it 100 times so far and can’t stop smiling!

Here is our gift to Roman!

Produced by Jordan Presasult of Cinema Works

XOXO Bridjet

(Ps: that’s a good ol’ midwestern Michigan accent you’re hearing!)