Spring Solstice Crystal and Meditation Workshop

I’m all about manifesting good energy and supporting myself and other women to come together to harness our inner goddesses and celebrate our power and femininity. That’s what drives almost everything I do as a woman and mother. And so on March 20, the spring equinox,...

Saks 5th Avenue Girls Night Out

This year is all about collaboration over competition. I’m so inspired by all the powerful women around me who are changing the world–big and small. Connecting with these women is so important…which was why co-hosting the Beauty & Wellness Girls’ Night...

Holiday Giving

Another year, another successful Victoria’s Secret Party! What started in 2010 as a means to get my closest girlfriends together for a night of fun has transformed into our most celebrated annual fundraising event. We look forward to the gift-giving soirée all...

A Mom’s View on Proposal 1 in Michigan

I never thought I’d be that mom! I’m very dedicated to keeping my kids safe, away from drugs and violence. And yet, growth means change, and change means new perspectives. I recognize that often what we are told years ago isn’t true today. That couldn’t be more true...

We Are Better Than This

As a mother and citizen of the world, I am utterly horrified by the events taking place in our country right now. To rip young children from their parents, distribute them in the dark of the night to unknown locations–you’d think we weren’t in the US any longer....