A Mom’s View on Proposal 1 in Michigan

by | Nov 5, 2018 | Change

I never thought I’d be that mom! I’m very dedicated to keeping my kids safe, away from drugs and violence. And yet, growth means change, and change means new perspectives. I recognize that often what we are told years ago isn’t true today. That couldn’t be more true about smoking marijuana. We have been told weed is bad for you, and that legalizing marijuana will increase drug violence. Not true! That’s why I’m voting yes on Proposal 1 in Michigan.

Unexpectedly, I joined the conversation around the legalization of marijuana when a film crew showed up at my home to shoot a commercial outlining the benefits of Prop 1. Though I didn’t plan on being the literal voice of the campaign, getting involved in the conversation about the legalization of marijuana is important as it will affect our kids forever.

It’s been a fun, energizing whirlwind. I feel like I’m making a difference in our kids’ futures.

Legalizing the drug will increase regulation and protect our families. It’s working in other states, like Colorado and Washington. We also should reap the health, social, and financial benefits. In fact, Yes on 1 means $520 million in new tax revenue. Oh my gosh! That’s so much money that could do so much good in our state.

I didn’t grow up smoking weed. I didn’t know anyone who did. But, as an adult, I see many other adults using it. It’s a lot more common than people let on and I think it’s totally okay! I support anything that’s holistic. Why wouldn’t we want access to something that is natural and has so many benefits? It helps people get off prescription drugs. It helps people with anxiety. It helps boost people’s appetite who are sick. It helps control seizures. And if legalized, it also has enormous tax benefits for schools and roads.

It’s only a matter of time until every state decriminalizes it. We need to take back the power of a natural, holistic drug that has enormous medicinal benefits. If we regulate it, we control it.

The upcoming landmark election is tomorrow November 6, 2018 and will be a historical vote for Michigan, so I urge you to vote!