Self Love

by | Sep 21, 2017 | Health, Lifestyle

I am a mom, just like you, with messy hair and a lack of showers, juggling a million things at once. Right now, for me, it’s two toddlers, selling a house, buying a house, my husband, and of course everyday challenges that tip me over the edge. And often it’s all on me. And often I feel like it’s too much. But as much as I’m that mom who wants to do it all for my family and be super mom, I also have the urge to be glamorous and look chic and revived, just as I did BC–“Before Children.”. It’s easy for us to lose ourselves in the day to day mayhem that is motherhood, stressed about sleeping patterns, nursing schedules, potty training, school schedules, play dates…The list is so endless it can make my head spin!

Taking time for and pampering ourselves is just as important as being super mom. In fact, being super mom means taking care of ourselves too! And if we don’t, then life feels impossible. This means taking time to workout and care for our bodies. It’s no mystery that if we feel good, everything else in life seems easier and more doable.

So I took action: I invited a bunch of my mommy girlfriends over for an “us day”. A yoga instructor led a class and we, void of all children, spent time honoring one another, having girl talk, relishing in our beauty and power. It was reinvigorating as well as reassuring. I quickly realized it’s not just me who can feel overwhelmed and, quite frankly, frustrated with my husband. I’ve noticed the past few months feeling annoyed with him even though he is so helpful and present. I resented his level of freedom, going to work and out with the guys after if he wanted.


Though I know we all ABSOLUTELY LOVE being a mom, sometimes, no matter how much of a super mom we are, we can feel trapped in our little bubbles. Everything revolves around our kids, and it’s easy to regret others who have more wiggle room.

☕️ Let’s open the conversation about the realness of motherhood. Don’t think you’re alone. We’ve all been there, trust me!

🌹 Take your baths with your rose oil.

⏰ Schedule a babysitter so you can get to a yoga class a couple times a week.

💋 Plan date nights with your husband so you keep the spark alive.


We always want to prove to everyone and ourselves that we can do it all, and while, yes, we can, sometimes, asking for a little help and taking some “me time” is just as important!

Post yoga glow with Isabella

READ MORE: Mom Click