Three Simple Ways To Improve Your Well-Being

by | Jul 5, 2016 | Health

Mothers have too many responsibilities nowadays. Sometimes, our two hands that juggle work, a husband, kids, friends, and, of course, our own personal well-being are just not enough! When we prioritize, working mothers tend to put our bodies and wellness last. This may be why we often feel so exhausted, drained, and less beautiful compared to five years ago! Our physical looks begin to deteriorate; we neglect our skin, faces, and hair, and that 30-minute essential workout is left unmarked on the to-do list. Here are three simple ways to improve your well-being and get back to feeling like your usual, youthful self!

Our physical well-being is as significant as everything else we have on our priority list. So how do we busy mothers balance everything out and feel confident again?

  1.     Do what you love

It sounds cliché but doing what you love is manifested in your physical appearance and outward energy. You must make sure you prioritize what YOU love most–whether that be a certain fitness class, or time with friends, or writing and creating art. When you do things you love, feelings of fulfillment lead to a release of your happy hormones, causing you to feel rejuvenated, as well as more inspired to perform other tasks without feeling burdened. At the end of the day, you’ll see yourself as Wonder Woman who can then give even more to your family. Win win!

  1.     Do not be a genie in the bottle

Be clear on your priorities, Stick to your list, instead of delving into your wishes impulsively. Just because you feel bad one day does not mean you should make changes. Our minds are powerful tools and can change our attitudes as each new day starts. Embrace your abilities to empower those things that energize you and leave you feeling refreshed.

  1.     Motivate yourself

If a new day arrives, but you didn’t get enough sleep, give yourself at least three to five minutes to face a mirror and say positive things out loud to yourself. When we perform and accomplish so many tasks, we feel invisible and that confidence rubs off on those around us, especially our children. When we love ourselves, we spread positive vibes to others and see that positivity manifest in our outward beauty. Remember that you are beautiful in ways you may or may not realize!

Now go have an awesome, awe-inspiring day because you are strong and beautiful and make a difference in so many people’s lives!



