How To Create A Sacred Space in 3 Easy Steps!

by | Apr 11, 2018 | Health, Lifestyle

In a world in which we’re constantly bombarded, chaotic, and distracted, it’s so important to press pause and reboot.

A sacred space in your home is the perfect place to reclaim your sense of self and live more mindfully. A place to take time away from everything else, to feel whole. Here’s how to create a sacred space in 3 easy steps!

My personal sacred space is where I go to be alone, with myself, void of my kids and husband. My place to recenter. For me, it’s like an altar, where I go to focus on myself, to reconnect. Previously, I used a stand in my bedroom, now it’s my desk. I make sure the space is always by a window to bring in the energy and goodness of natural sunlight. I lay out all my crystals, journal, smudge sticks, sage, and candles–all my objects of comfort that make me feel safe and relaxed.

Creating A Sacred Space in 3 Easy Steps! crystal image

Crystals attract different energies, each with unique benefits: some promote health and wellness, some promote prosperity, all have healing powers. I hold the crystals, take some big, cleansing breaths and visualize what is coming up that week or reflect what’s on my mind.

My husband Bart always says, “You do your hocus pocus but it works!” Don’t shy away from something that may seem a bit foreign and not the status quo. Your body is vibrating at this energy, and wants more of it! A sacred place can also be a place to have rituals, writing journal entries or thank you notes.

Here are 3 ways to create an altar:

  1. Choose a space that feels soothing and quiet. It can be a table, a stand, a desk, or even the bath.
  2. Clear your space with smudge and sage. Rid of all the stale and/or bad energy!
  3. Pick and arrange items you want to display such as jewelry, sage sticks, candles, journal. The possibilities are endless!

Being at your altar doesn’t have to be an hour meditating in silence with a clear mind. Sometimes you may sing, chant, write, and it may even just be 5 minutes. It’s about being mindful and thinking for a moment, without all the distractions, to find renewed inspiration.

Light your candles, do your aromatherapy, hold your crystals, say a prayer, breath deeply, and think and envision what’s coming up.

Of course, this is not just for women; men are encouraged to invest in a sacred space too.


READ MORE: Spring Solstice Crystal Workshop & Self Love