Top 5 Highlights of 2018

by | Jan 17, 2019 | Lifestyle

What a year! If 2019 is anything like 2018, I’ll be one happy girl. I feel incredibly blessed to have done as much as I did alongside my family and friends in the last 12 months. To recap, here are my Top 5 Highlights.

1. Expanding My Network: It was my biggest and best year for networking and collaborating! I connected and was inspired by so many like-minded women in my community, many who own businesses around town or are fellow bloggers, including my friend, the owner of 10 Nail Bar.  I can’t wait to continue doing what I can to build other women up around me in 2019!

2. Roman’s Speech Therapy: The journey of helping Roman find his voice and speak more clearly has been one of the most fulfilling yet challenging things I’ve done as a mother. I’ve shared before about his delayed speech development, because I want others who are going through something similar, who may misunderstand what’s happening to your so-called perfect child to not feel alone. It’s so common and nothing is “wrong” with your kid. I’ve really accepted the importance of consistency when it comes to therapy. When we first started speech therapy, Roman barely spoke; now, 2 years later, he’s an incredible negotiator! Just like his daddy. His speech isn’t perfect, but it’s far better than where it’d be without therapy. We meet weekly with his therapists to practice sounds and articulations. Our family has learned that good things take time to develop. Watching my kids grow up and come into their own has definitely been one of the highlights of my year.

3. Traveling As A Family With Kids: Trips to Florida, Chicago, Up North in Michigan, and of course Italy! This year we were busy traveling as a family and had so much fun! Of course, it’s not as easy and flawless as it may look in photos. As your kids get older, traveling takes more planning and resources. When it was just Roman, we took many more flights to farther destinations, but this year we stuck around in or closer to Michigan. Sometimes, it’s just more convenient; you can toss all your strollers and bags in a car and go. (In fact, you can even explore in your city) I embraced finding adventure anywhere. Remember: Even if you may not have the time or resources or desire to take a huge trip across the sea or country, you can still travel with your family and explore unknown worlds. There’s so much to see just hours from home. 

4. Fundraising & Social Good Events:  If we aren’t helping others, what’s the point, right? So many amazing events all year round. 

  • Empowered Women Empower Women: In March 2018, we raised money for local girls in Detroit, and again brought together women in the community, who all have the same intention: for women to network and empower each other. Victoria’s Secret Party Coat Drive: The best night of the year! All my girls gathering for a night of doing good.
  • Toy & Book Drive — Every kid should have the luxury of reading and playing. No matter what! 
  • March For Our Lives: The protest, as cliche as it sounds, was eye-opening and life-changing. I view worldwide issues differently now. We all have a social responsibility to use our voices to support change, talk about health and wellness, and social issues, like gun violence. What’s happening around us affects us all.

These events have reinforced my desire to always participate and to continue to share my message of supporting other women through motherhood.

5. Bart, Marriage Growth: My love, my partner. Major appreciation for my husband Bart. The hormonal mood swings he deals with–am I right, ladies?! This year was new territory for me. Not only was I his cheerleader on his personal growth, but also professionally. His firm helped pass the legalization of marijuana. I stepped into a role of supporting him in ways I hadn’t before. I’m so proud of his work and continue to empower his voice to make change!

I’m ready, 2019!