Self-Care Checklist for Mental Health Awareness Month!

by | May 30, 2019 | Health, Lifestyle

Wellness takes priority over everything. It’s the foundation for keeping us grounded. When we invest in ourselves, we can invest in others. When we don’t, everything else suffers. It’s why you’re told to put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it’s something I celebrate wholeheartedly. I put together a mental health self-care checklist as a reminder of a few, simple things we can all do to be a bit kinder and more gentle with ourselves.

Whereas mental health used to be more taboo, these days everyone is all about it. And it’s amazing! The state of our mind directly impacts every aspect of our lives. If we’re chemically imbalanced and not mentally sound, we don’t function at our highest levels. And so I’m incredibly committed to investing in my mental health because I am more present with my family and friends. If we show up for ourselves, everyone else benefits.

Self-Care Checklist:

1. Set a morning ritual.

Rituals help our minds stay focused and clear, giving us familiarity. This is especially helpful in the morning when we have so much on our minds and so many things on our day’s to-do list. Washing my face is my one of my preferred rituals. Plus, a morning face wash routine helps my skin look radiant, making me feel more confident. When we look good, we feel confident, affecting our overall attitude about our self-worth and the world around us. (Check out my favorite monthly organic skincare subscription box, Pearlesque Box!)

2. Journal

Writing down your thoughts and emotions is one of the most powerful ways to release your anxieties and get clearer about your intentions. Journaling, on its most basic level, is sharing your experience of the world–in long form, in poem, in lists. Whatever works for you! Take 10 minutes a day to reflect and journal. Admittedly, I’ve dropped the ball a bit recently, as I find myself not prioritizing time to write. It’s hard to find the mental space to be quiet and reflect, especially when you’ve got kids running around like maniacs. So I’m re-committing to journaling with you!

3. Exercise

When we feel good, life is good. I’ve always advocated for being active because movement is healing, releasing endorphins which improve our moods. The more the better. Plus, we’re setting the example for our little ones who watch our every move–literally. (For inspiration to kickstart your springtime revamp, check out my post about RPM fitness studio in Birmingham!)

4. Quality Time

Being human is all about being and feeling connected to those around us. We all want to feel heard. Set aside quality time with friends, with your partner, and with your kids. Have meaningful conversations and emotional exchanges; this is imperative for your mental health, so you don’t feel alone.

5. Eat Nourishing Food

We are what we eat. It’s become a sort of anthem over the past decade and for good reason! Food is possibly the biggest influence on our chemical balance and therefore our mental health. Overdose on plant-based foods and let your body feel nourished. Check out one of my favorite smoothie recipes for some inspiration!

6. Pamper Yourself

We often seem to go above and beyond for everyone in our lives…except ourselves. Do yourself a favor and pamper yourself. Get a mani/pedi. Schedule a massage. Take a relaxation bath. (Pro tip: Mix epsom salt and essential oils like lavender into a hot water tub, and soak it all up!)

7. Sleep Enough!

Getting enough quality sleep is a game changer. We are significantly more energized and happier when we’re well rested. Invest in a nice mattress, soft sheets, and even possibly an air purifier to get the most out of every minute of rest. And remember, start decompressing early so you get a full 7-9 hours a night!

Journal to release your fears, exercise daily, eat healthy food, spend time with loved ones, pamper yourself, and sleep well! Take time to recognize you have to pour into your own cup before you can fill others. Comment below your favorite way to self-care!


READ MORE: 3 Simple Ways To Improve Your Wellbeing